Yuusha-hime Miria

Yuusha-hime Miria

My name is Miria. I’m the brave princess Miria, the princess of the kingdom, a super beautiful girl, the strongest and invincible, who was given the title of hero from heaven! Well, the title of hero was actually supposed to be given to the son of the king who took me in, but… was kind of pissed off, so I took it away from him. And by the way, I had him executed for being a loony. I’m going to die for being so useful to this cute little me, so I won’t have any regrets, right? I’ve grown up and become a fine hero, but lately I’ve been feeling a little strange. “You want to see my pants? That’s normal, look at them all you want.” Gah! What is this? What’s going on? I am the most beautiful, strongest, invincible, and brave princess! It should be… I’ve been getting naughty looks all over the place, haven’t I?

Original title 勇者姫ミリア 第一話 史上最悪の勇者爆誕! ナマイキ勇者をわからせろ!
First air date Dec. 22, 2023

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