Reginetta-san no Bouken

Reginetta-san no Bouken

Hello, everyone! This is me, the most beautiful, intelligent, and sexy robot, Rizinetta!
This time, we’re going on a vacation to an uninhabited island! A swimsuit episode!
It was actually pretty cheap. I bought it for 100,000 yen! What? You think I’m being scammed? Hahaha, what are you talking about, rabbit?
Of course not! I’m too intelligent for that!
So, I apologize for the misleading title, but please enjoy this laid-back story without any adventure!
“There are too many monsters here. Is this place cursed?”
Wait, there are still monsters?
Rizinetta, the self-proclaimed most beautiful, intelligent, and sexy robot.
Her huge breasts swaying as she fights the lewd monsters.
Her moans escaping as she pleases them. Are you really human?

Original title リジネッタさんの冒険 第1話 格安別荘は事故物件! 浜辺のスライムと謎の遺跡
First air date Aug. 30, 2024

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