Princess Lover

Princess Lover

Eldest daughter Sylvia of the person of fan Hossen which acted as a knight from generation to generation in a philharmonic orchestra misch dukedom the gallantness of the male face defeat of the charm right a modern version “woman knight.”

The mission that it does it in the supremacy that oneself was assigned to for a country to give the position to people, and is noble. Before Sylvia who lived so in the name of a heart, fiance who decided, Arima Teppei appear.

It was Sylvia who comes to gradually yearn for Teppei venting earnest thought on without being hateful, but a sense of duty disturbs, and it cannot be it obediently.
It will be left younger sister Maria with the mansion of the the Arimas that Teppei lives father for absent several days on such one day together. And I will half share single night forcibly without can refuse thought of Teppei in the evening Days to indulge in carnal desires to be able to be called the profligacy according to Sylvia begin.

For the return of the school In a night bed Two people demanded each other.

First air date Sep. 17, 2010

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