Kansen Ball Buster The Animation

Kansen Ball Buster The Animation

Ball Buster-The Animation is a hentai by Milky Animation Label. The story revolves around the same theme as its last predecessors. There is an outbreak of a mysterious virus that resembles the Touhoku infection 4 years ago. Even though its the same virus in this new setting comes new people. Ball Buster had a chance to show us how other people will react to the virus and how will it effect them. You are introduced to this nice beautiful art style. Lots of highlights and shading. The background color and details. The tone of this series is kind of dark and unpleasant so naturally you should have the type of music to reflect that. The story really captured me, however I felt a bit lost during the second half.

First air date May. 13, 2013

Something wrong? Report please.

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