Inshitsu Otaku Ni Ikareru Kanojo
After their little dirty secret is discovered, Shuji and Saki must now confront a very dangerous fate as their step sister and brother relationship is now compromised. After threatened with an email that contained very explicit photos, the two are now in a bad spot.
Original title 陰湿オタクにイカれる妹[彼女
Studio Studio 9 MAiami
First air date Jun. 24, 2011
Last air date Nov. 18, 2011
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- Inshitsu Otaku Ni Ikareru Kanojo - Episode 1 E1 / Dec. 21, 2019
- Inshitsu Otaku Ni Ikareru Kanojo - Episode 2 E2 / Dec. 21, 2019
- Inshitsu Otaku Ni Ikareru Kanojo - Episode 3 E3 / Dec. 21, 2019